Valsalva Retinopathy in Ibadan, South West Nigeria
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We report the cases of three patients who presented to our retinal outpatient clinic over a 3‑year period with sudden visual loss and features suggestive of subhyaloid or sub‑internal limiting membrane haemorrhage characteristic of Valsalva (VS) retinopathy. The first patient was a 14‑year‑old male student with sudden visual loss in the left eye of 2 days with a history of cough. His best‑corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 6/5 and counting fingers, respectively, in the right and left eyes. Our second patient was a 21‑year‑old
primigravida at the gestational age of 32 weeks who presented with sudden visual loss in the right eye of 9‑day duration associated with a history of vomiting and BCVA of counting fingers and 6/6 right and left eyes, respectively, whereas the third case was a 30‑year‑old P2+0 (2 alive) female with poor vision in the right eye post‑delivery of a live neonate through vaginal delivery with BCVA of counting fingers and 6/6, respectively, in the right and left eyes at presentation. The patients’ demographics, presentation and
risk factors for VS retinopathy are discussed. All patients in this series were managed conservatively.
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